Committee Information
The Estate Planning Council of Cleveland offers many opportunities to get involved by participating on one or more committee of the association.
Distinguished Estate Planner
The Distinguished Estate Planner Committee handles the process of soliciting nominations, discussing candidates, and event planning for the annual meeting & awards luncheon.
The Distinguished Estate Planner Committee handles the process of soliciting nominations, discussing candidates, and event planning for the annual meeting & awards luncheon.
This committee meets two to three times, typically starting with a kick-off meeting in December or January.
Exceptional Service Award
The Exceptional Service Award Committee handles the process of soliciting nominations and discussing candidates for the Exceptional Service Award portion of the annual meeting & awards luncheon.
This committee meets two to three times, typically starting with a kick-off meeting in January or February.
Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Committee
The Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Committee works to promote the AEP® designation within the council and plays an integral part in nominating new AEP® designees to be awarded the designation through a council nomination. The commitee also provides additional benefits for AEP® designees.
This committee meets regularly throughout the year. You must hold the AEP® designation to be a member of this committee.
The Membership Committee is responsible for membership growth and retention, new initiatives to either grow or serve the existing membership, planning the annual membership open house, and application review.
This committee meets regularly throughout the fiscal year.
The Nominating Committee presents a slate of officers and directors to the board for their review each year.
This committee typically meets one or two times in early spring.
The Programming Committee determines the educational content for the regular monthly luncheons and educational events.
This committee typically meets one to three times during the summer and early fall months.
Special Committee / Task Force Work
Often, a group is called together to complete a specific task or recommendation for the full board. These groups are formed on an as-needed basis based on the specific need.
Please contact the council office at 216-696-1228 or if you have an interest in serving.
Council members may also wish to get involved at the national level by volunteering for the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Please visit for more information.